Monday, October 13, 2008

my posts are way too long...

it took me a two days to realize that my post are way way too long. i quote from house:
Fourteen pages. The audience will be comatose by paragraph two.
yes... i probably would have killed somebody out there already... well, it's too late to do anything right about now, so i'll leave it at that and pray i don't kill anybody again :P

and here are some pictures. i don't feel like elaborating too much since i'm short on time.

This is by far one of the more interesting pictures that i have... i mean this is what happen to a floor full of guys who have nothing better to do i guess...

Have you ever seen a pepsi bottle like this? i mean even if you did it's probably when you are still a toddler... i found this last spring in my aunt house... talk about an old drink... too bad it wasn't wine. anybody want to give it a try? and maybe get a diarrhea for an hour? :P

btw, one of my classes is now working in a research lab, doing all sort of cool experiment, which i will talk about another time, can't seem to get the right pictures for that yet... anywho, this is what they have just in front of my research lab. it's suppose to be a genome sequence of a mice (which we frequently test on), but all i see is pretty color and a nice background for my cellphone.

before i leave, GUNDAM 00 started!! go watch!!

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