Monday, October 6, 2008

So an explanation...

So, i'm trying to do this like the third time already... with two failed attempt, i don't think i can take a third. btw, this happen a month or more ago, just didn't get the thing to post. so let's start :P

the first question of the day is: WTF is wrong with this picture?

now, if you can't find out what's wrong with this picture... i'm sadden by how little you know me... so scroll down for an answer :P

so, now the answer... where the fuck was my computer... well, it crashed. and i mean it just refuse to start up after i shut it down for four hours... i mean what the hell could happen in 4 hours without me doing's just plain weird. so, this is probably the best situation for me. i mean it happen one week before my mcat test. so i was like yes!! now i can concentrate on studying for the mcat. well, it was thrusday and so my test is like next saturday...

ok, now let's see the twist turner. i mean a serious twist turner. So, on sunday, six days before the mcat test, i decided to check up on the test to see what i need... now the most stupid thing happen, i remember the wrong FUCKING date... it was YESTERDAY... i FUCKING MISS IT BY 24 FUCKING HOURS... and i thought this was gonna be a good freaking semester...

so now i have to wait for the next test date. which is in january... and well, no refunds too. that just means i loss 200, well and it's not malaysian. IT'S US DOLLARS... well, guess i've just lost 200 dollars. what a way to start the year. so, let's see i lost 200 bucks and my computer broke... in all likely hood. i say it's been a magnificiant day.

well, so i went one month without computer... damm it was hard.

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